Does the notion of tattooing your face frighten you? If that's the case, you aren't alone! After all, microblading is a semi-permanent tattoo in your face which, when performed correctly, will persist for quite a very long time. So, I am confident that you ought to be certain to employ the perfect artist and everything works out perfect.

At Microblading Certificationtx, we fully understand your eyebrows are among the most essential and identifying attributes in your face. We deliver step-by-step Microblading Brow Training.

In addition, we know your concern for needing the outcomes to be just perfect. Because of this, we'll help you through the procedure step by step and deal with any issues you have before reserving your real appointment.

To help prepare you, We've compiled a few tips:

microblading brow training

Things to Avoid Before Your Procedure

Direct exposure to sunlight - you don't need a sunburn or to be peeling in the time of this process because this might cause additional annoyance to the region. Dry or stained skin may also have an effect on the color of the tattoo and might make it become irregular.

  • Prevent medications that could cause the blood to thin for at least 48-72 hours prior to the process - those include Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen.

  • Prevent fish oil and some other nail or hair supplements for 48 hours earlier too

  • Don't drink coffee or anything with caffeine the day of the process.

  • Prevent alcohol for 24 hours before.

Things to Perform the Day of the Procedure

Your artist will direct you through the steps of everything to perform the day of the process. A respectable microblading artist will be sure to thoroughly wash the area to stop irritation or disease. 

But you need to use a mild cleanser to wash out the eyebrow area prior to going in. You might even consider lightly massaging the night ahead, however, don't over-exfoliate because it might leave skin lean and unprotected.

After gently removing dirt and germs from the skin, then you ought to properly moisturize! This is a particularly important step that we frequently overlook. Adding moisture provides a protective coating to the skin and leaves it more healthy. Too dry skin might not take the color as well will become more irritable.

Things To Do After the Procedure

Post-process care applies to your outcomes. The following are some definite exemptions after microblading:

  • Keep ointment such as Aquaphor around the region for 7 days after the process to be certain it's secure and that it properly cure. The ointment will offer a protective coating.

  • Don't scrub or select in the eyebrow area even though it scabs.

  • Don't wear makeup before your artist says it is OK.

Learn of Microblading is Perfect for You

If you're thinking about microblading, contact us to schedule an appointment with a knowledgeable and talented artist. Microblading is actually an art form and we make certain that you deal with it. We'll assist you in correctly prep your procedure and get the most gorgeous brows to your distinctive face!

Read More: Choosing The Right Microblading Eyebrows Classes